WorkofZaneT69 Wiki

Welcome to the WorkofZaneT69 Wiki

A database of my fanfiction work. Other users are welcome to contribute, of course, but vandalism with be met with harsh punishment. I'll be updating the best I can. Mostly what I have left from published stories and unpublished ones. You're all welcome to get involved here, create pages for characters, and you can even suggest forums and such.

My Profile. 


Report broken rules here

  • Blatant vandalism will be punished with an infinite ban for users. I've also removed the ability for anonymous users to contribute to reduce potential vandalism and improve my own ability to counter it.
  • Comply with Fandom's Terms of Use.
  • My wiki isn't the place for you to hate on and bash my writing. If you have free time to do this, consider taking up a hobby... perhaps try writing and see how challenging it can be.
  • Categories require my permission to be created. This is to lessen the burden of management and increase my available writing time.
  • Character pages should have the stories acronym in the title.
  • No personal photos/no photos not for articles.

Describe your topic

This is essentially a secondary resource for myself and others to view my writing, published and unpublished. Some of which hasn't even been proof read, you can view my notes, timelines and other information.

Latest activity

Photos and videos are a great way to add visuals to your wiki. Find videos about your topic by exploring Fandom's Video Library.

